Alexandra Horwood of Alexandra Horwood & Partners, Richardson GMP is part of the Wealth Professional Canada Young Guns 2016.

Director of wealth management
Alexandra Horwood & Partners, Richardson GMP

Alexandra Horwood’s repeat appearance on this year’s Young Guns list comes after an eventful 12 months. She was a member of her family’s practice at Richardson GMP before she established Alexandra Horwood & Partners, She became the youngest director at Richardson GMP and has expanded her business by focusing on Canada’s mining industry. Horwood accumulated $40.1 million new assets in 2015 – the second-highest level in the firm in 2015.

Given mining’s dominant status in the Canadian economy, specializing in that industry has proved to be a lucrative pursuit for Horwood’s team. Offering strategic investments, tax and estate planning, insurance, option exercise, cross-border advice, currencies, capital raises, and creditor proofing, the team covers all bases for its clients. If all that isn’t impressive enough, Horwood also devotes her free time to providing financial planning advice to those with money troubles who can’t afford professional assistance.