WPCA Top 50 Advisor: Charles Jiang

Charles Jiang's Wealth Professional Canada Top 50 Advisor Profile

Name: Charles Jiang

Question: What makes a good advisor?

Answer: A good financial planner should love his or her job, and be able to provide some good, solid advice. He or she should be experienced, knowledgeable, professional, holding industry standard designations, a member of a leading professional organization, and embraces continuing education and attends conferences. A good planner takes a holistic, planning based approach, designs appropriate asset allocations, and follows a process for discerning the clients’ needs and offering recommendations.  He or she should always be an objective and independent advisor.

Question: What do you like most about being an advisor?
Answer: I feel great when my advice and professional service really helps the client to solve their financial problems and provide solutions to reach their financial goals. I feel great when I am respected for a professional job I’ve rendered to my clients. I feel great when I could guide clients, to walk them through market turmoil during the financial crisis. I convinced them to stick to their goals and the objectives we set for them during the first few meetings. 

Question: What has been the best thing about the last 12 months?
Answer: The market has been recovering and the leading markets in the USA and Europe have been performing well. Investors are feeling better now that they see the recovery. The leading indicators in USA and Europe are relatively positive. Many new jobs have been created and the unemployment rate in the USA has been decreasing. 

Question: What are your top tips for gaining, and retaining, clients?
Answer: Ultimately, service is what differentiates a good advisor from a mediocre one. Good service will help to gain and retain clients. Good service will also help to get referrals from trusted clients. By the same token, bad service will lead to loss of clients and assets. 
  • CEO, Queen Financial Group (since 2005)
  • Previous:
    • Ford Motor Company
    • AST Computer
    • Financial Analyst and Business Specialist, Humber  River Regional Hospital
    Years of Experience:
    15 Years of experience in the industry.
    • Chartered Strategic Wealth Professional (CSWP)
    • Financial Management Advisor (FMA)
    • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
    • Million Dollar Round Table Member (MDRT Life Member)
    • Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (2013)
    • President of the Association of United Chinese Financial Professionals
    • President of the Canada International Economic & Cultural Exchanges Association
    • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
    • Chartered Strategic Wealth Professional (CSWP)
    • MBA, University of Windsor &  (1996) (Deans Lister and Scholarships)
    Birthday 1964
    Current Town

    Toronto, Ontario

    Hometown Chengdu, China 
    Family Family of 5 with 3 children
    Interests Fishing, Golfing, Travelling and Music
    Other Information Tel: 416-918-6768
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: www.queenfinancial.com
    My goal is to help you reach your financial goals!
    I enjoy caring and giving back to the community I serve!

    Weal Professional Canada Top 50 Advisor 2014

    To read the full feature, click on the following link Wealth Professional Canada Top 50 Advisor