For advisors considering this medium for marketing, a simple point-and-shoot approach simply won’t do

The costs of video recording and streaming have been reduced dramatically over the past decade, which means practically everyone can have their own channel to market themselves. Undoubtedly, this can work wonders for financial advisors looking to attract new clients — but only if they do it right.
“When it comes to video, too many advisors get wrapped up in the production and editing while they should rather focus on their content and delivery,” said Matt Oeschli of the Oeschli Institute in a piece published on
The object of video content marketing — sharing compelling, useful information that leaves the viewer wanting to know more — is to position the advisor as a knowledgeable authority. That requires having a well-crafted message for every video, which Oeschli suggested should contain three to five key points of financial planning.
“Too much detail doesn’t play well in video content marketing as it tends to confuse,” he said. “Brevity breeds clarity—so get to the point, reinforce your point, and be concise.”
Authenticity is another critical pillar. While Hollywood stars and YouTube personalities have images to live up to and audiences to please, financial advisors must avoid posturing and simply be themselves. “[Y]ou’re letting people get to know you, your personality and your voice,” he said. “Don’t try to be all things to all people.”
He also stressed that being in front of a camera requires advisors to dial their energy up by 10% to 15%, since the recording process tends to dilute the subject’s personal energy. At the same time, videos should reflect the character that would-be clients can expect in face-to-face meetings; that means letting a few “ums” and “ahs” slip through is acceptable, to the extent that it sounds natural and doesn’t distract from the ideas being shared.
“You want to portray a relaxed confidence,” Oeschli wrote, noting the importance of body language, eye contact, and appearance. “Sit up straight, lean into the camera, and stay away from the ‘golf shirt’ look—think business casual.”
Finally, he emphasized that advisors should not expect their first video to be perfect; rather, they should follow a path of continuing improvement. Aside from asking a colleague or significant other for honest feedback on initial recordings, practicing and getting comfortable with the medium is crucial.
“[C]ontent marketing done well transforms you from a financial advisor who’s pitching their services into a professional who is magnetic,” he said. “Prospects call you.”
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