Far Out Friday: Do you know who I am? Google, that's who!

A Google employee invites himself to a conference, then storms out, when numbers don't meet his expectations.

By: Hillary Dean

Google’s product strategist stormed out of a conference trumpeting “I am Google!” after becoming unhappy about the small size of the audience, witnesses say.

But funnily enough only a week prior Scott Jensen had decided to invite himself as a speaker to the conference, technology weblog ReadWrite reported.

“Is looks like you still have a speakers slot open on May 6th... Hint....Hint....” [sic] Jenson had tweeted to the organisers of the San Francisco conference.

And then half an hour before he was due to deliver his keynote speech, he decided to storm out.

“I am Google," he told a woman working at the registration desk. "I do not speak to small groups."

The conference manager said that about 50 people had been ready to attend Jenson’s address.

An industry veteran, before Google Jenson had worked in product design at Apple and Netscape.

Jeremy Geelan, chief marketing officer of Kaazing which backed the event made it clear that he thought Jenson was a jerk.

“To be honest, I have no difficulty with a Googler, like the employee of any other hugely successful company, having, shall we say, a highly developed sense of self," he told ReadWrite. “But in the last 15 years of chairing technology conferences I never have heard, let alone experienced, of a Googler being so discourteous as to renege, in more or less real time, on a pre-agreed speaking gig of which he had himself been the sole instigator. That's just plain not cool."

Jenson didn’t respond for comment.