Voice your opinion about MGAs

MGA consolidation is adding extra weight to LHP’s Advisors on MGA survey, with life and health insurance professionals looking for a definitive way to convey their expectations and worries.

MGA consolidation is adding extra weight to LHP’s Advisors on MGA survey, with life and health insurance professionals looking for a definitive way to convey their expectations and worries.
The survey, which officially opened Friday, will see more than 1,000 brokers “rank, reward and roust” MGAs when their industry domination has never been higher.
The survey, will be collected and analyzed before being presented to LHP readers and their MGAs.
“The idea,” says LHP Editor Vernon Clement Jones, “is to give MGAs the information and, indeed, the criticism they need to up their collective game and improve the viability of the broker channel. The survey also allows brokers to reflect on the individual strengths of each of their MGAs, to rate their performance and do it without confrontation.”
The survey relies on anonymous submissions, which combine easy-to-navigate multiple choice questions with open-ended ones giving brokers enough space to flesh out their comments.
The results will appear in the June issue of LHP, with a MGA response to follow in a subsequent issue.

Click here to add your voice: LHP Advisors on MGAs Survey.