Survey suggests shift toward unusual burial arrangements

Poll sheds light on current preferences for burial plans, including costs of alternative methods

Survey suggests shift toward unusual burial arrangements

For many people, a life insurance policy represents an effective way to pay for final expenses, which includes the costs of a funeral. And while that has traditionally meant paying for a casket and a cemetery plot, there are now many options for those seeking a more unorthodox sendoff.

In a survey of more than 1,500 Americans, U.S.-based independent insurance agency Choice Mutual found that just over a third (35%) plan on a traditional burial. The largest number of respondents (44%) said they’d like to be cremated — a huge jump from just 4% who reportedly preferred that method in the ‘60s.

A decidedly smaller number of those polled said that they want to donate their body to science (6%), be granted a natural burial (4%), or go with some other burial method (1%). A full 10%, meanwhile, said they have no plans or preference.

What do those who prefer cremation wish to be done with their ashes? The most popular choice is to have them spread in a specific location (40%), followed by having their family keep them (36%). One out of 10 said they want to be planted as a tree, while a cumulative 14% had other plans including being painted or printed onto a canvas, compressed into a diamond, mixed with ink to be used for a tattoo, and launched into space.

The survey also listed the associated costs of different burial methods for those living in the U.S. The most expensive option, mummification, reportedly costs US$67,000 at minimum; the price tag for plastination, which involves replacing water and fat in the body with various enduring plastics, is at least US$40,000, while cryonic preservation starts at US$28,000.

Other methods and their associated costs include:

  • Traditional burial – US$7,360 on average;
  • Cremation – US$6,260 on average;
  • Sea burial – US$5,000 at least;
  • Natural burial – US$3,500 at least; and
  • Donation to science – free