The new active exchange-traded funds are now trading on the TSX

Investor now have four new actively managed exchange-traded funds to choose from with the launch of a new suite from Forstrong Global Asset Management.
The firm’s new offerings have begun trading on the TSX and have an international focus and are designed to take advantage of Forstrong's distinct macro views.
"We have launched these new ETFs to provide Canadian investors with greater access to the higher income and growth opportunities available around the globe,” said Tyler Mordy, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Forstrong. “We believe that active management will be crucial to capture the pockets of opportunities within countries, sectors and themes."
Mordy recently told Wealth Professional why Forstrong wants to participate in the increasingly crowded Canadian ETF market.
“With all the competition in the ETF space, some may think it is crazy to launch another ETF company,” he said. “But with our team’s deeply specialized macro approach, we are confident building out a family of ETFs focused on actively managed and internationally focused strategies.”
The new funds
- Forstrong Global Ex-North America Equity ETF (TSX: FINE) aiming for long-term capital growth and mainly investing, directly or indirectly, in a diversified mix of global ex-North America equity securities with a top-down equity strategy designed to complement traditional bottom-up North America focused portfolios.
- Forstrong Emerging Markets Equity ETF (TSX: FEME) also aiming for long-term capital growth and investing, directly or indirectly, in a diversified and targeted mix of emerging markets equity securities.
- Forstrong Global Income ETF (TSX: FINC) aiming to generate modest capital appreciation by primarily investing, directly or indirectly, in a diversified mix of Canadian and global securities. It’s aimed at investors who want to grow their capital over the long term with an emphasis on receiving income, while providing better diversification characteristics than portfolios that are focused exclusively on North America.
- Forstrong Global Growth ETF (TSX: FGRW) aiming to achieve long-term capital growth and modest income by primarily investing, directly or indirectly, in a diversified mix of Canadian and global securities. It’s intended for investors seeking to grow their capital over the long term while receiving modest income and providing them access to growing regions of the world.