Alexandra Horwood
Richardson Wealth

Alexandra Horwood, Alexandra Horwood & Partners

Alexandra Horwood

Alexandra Horwood & Partners
Richardson Wealth

 Toronto, ON

Among the select group of female financial advisors on this year’s Top 50 list is Alexandra Horwood. With just over $465 million in assets under management, her stated goal of hitting the half-billion-dollar mark within the next year is well within reach.

Horwood got her start in the industry not long after she graduated from the University of Waterloo. Coming from a renowned family of financial advisors gave her the opportunity to learn about the business.

“Within three years, I was hooked,” Horwood says. “I studied and was mentored by great accountants, financial planners and wealth managers and started building my business.”

During the tumult of the COVID-19 downturn, Horwood and her tech-savvy team called clients constantly to listen to their fears and keep them calm and invested. They also helped many clients deploy more cash into the market, which ultimately added to their wealth.