Glen Rankin

Investors should be wary of “frothy” valuations

Advisor picks out price earnings valuations as something investors should be wary of in 2018, adding that multiple contraction is possible at some point

Are Canada’s big banks broken?

As one more banking giant settles with regulators, concerns over enforcement emerge

The ‘hidden’ tax many of your clients are paying

Bill Morneau’s December announcement hiking the minimum down payment on homes over $500,000 to 10% certainly caused a stir but that won’t stop the federal government from abusing its taxation powers and residential real estate

Advisors won’t take no for an answer

The federal government may have just dropped the ceiling on TFSA contributions, but a petition continues to gain momentum from advisors and others opposed

No earnings equals no savings which equals no advisors

Millennials’ lack of retirement savings means advisors need to be talking to clients about their kids’ spending habits if they want work to continue

Potential DSC downside emerges

Embedded commission advisors are increasingly worried the value of their books will be cut as CRM2 draw near, but some should be more worried than others

Advisors stand their ground on ‘closet indexing’

Some may be criticizing closet indexing, but advisors are defending the practice pointing to the limitations of the Canadian equities market

TFSA not just a vehicle for rich

Dialing back the TFSA to $5,500 was a popular campaign promise, but advisors are now asking Justin Trudeau to ditch the plan in order to protect the people who ushered him to power

Forget snowbirds – OAS system is hurting average Canadians

Tracking air travel as well as land crossings could hurt the OAS benefits of snowbirds, but advisors point out there’s something terribly wrong with the way the system calculates many benefits even for long-time residents

Oil rut places advisors at a crossroads

New – gloomier – analysis on the future of North American oil may lead to a sea-change in advisor thinking on energy weightings