CRM Solutions to Grow your Book of Business

CRM Solutions to Grow your Book of Business

Software providers are promoting the very tangible benefits of CRM solutions to advisors and wealth management firms – but are they selling the steak, or is it just sizzle?

Systemizing the processes, workflows and practices of a wealth management firm by adopting a comprehensive CRM solution allows the firm to lay the cornerstones of a more customer-focused business. These include:

• client knowledge, which is critical to fostering customer intimacy;
• employee productivity, due to less time and resource spent on administration and fruitless information searches, leaving more client face time; and
• guaranteed compliance due to standardized processes and secure, auditable records.
This whitepaper outlines eight steps to putting in place a CRM system that will transform your business, addressing each with key questions and answers.

Explore and read additional white papers here.


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